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Results tagged with l-functions
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user 2284
Questions about generalizations of the Riemann Zeta function of arithmetic interest whose definition relies on meromorphic continuation of special kinds of Dirichlet series, such as Dirichlet L-functions, Artin L-functions, elements of the Selberg class, automorphic L-functions, Shimizu L-functions, p-adic L-functions, etc.
Periods of Twists of Modular Forms
By a famous theorem of Manin, one can define $\Omega^{\pm}$ such that $L(f\otimes\chi,j)\in \Omega^{\epsilon}_{f}\mathbb Q$ with $\chi(-1)(-1)^{j}=\epsilon$. So the period depends on $\chi$ only insof …
Stark's conjecture and p-adic L-functions
Conjecturally, the answer is yes, but the amount of work required is not trivial at all. The general set-up is roughly as follows: the special values of $L$-functions (in your case, for Tate motives) …
Decomposition of Tate-Shafarevich groups in field extensions
First of all, I am not sure I fully agree with the notion that Tamagawa numbers are harmless factors.
What you wish for exists, and here is roughly why. The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is a …
p-adic L-functions
The following is more a long comment than an answer per se.
One thing to keep in mind when discussing $p$-adic $L$-functions is that to a given algebraic automorphic representation $\pi$ or Galois re …
Some questions on the $p$-adic properties of special $L$-values
1) What generalizations of the Kummer congruences are known?
This is somewhat imprecise as a question and in particular, I would dispute a little your assertion that
This is probably the same …
"Gross-Zagier" formulae outside of number theory
I think you know all this, but nevertheless...
These two formulas are arguably incarnations of the general philosophy of Arakelov geometry according to which derivatives of zeta functions (regularize …
Special values of $p$-adic $L$-functions.
Others have hinted at it, but let me emphasize the point. At least if you are happy to assume all conjectures (and perhaps that your motive has good reduction at $p$), the conjectural landscape for $p …
Iwasawa main conjectures vs Bloch-Kato conjectures
If I understand your question properly, then I think much is known. Let me sum up what I understand about this picture.
First a short answer to your question. Contrary to what you ask for, it is not …
Proving automorphy of the Galois representations of number fields without considering the re...
The canonical answer to that question is certainly the world of so called converse theorems, whose basic ideas go back to Hecke's remark that an holomorphic $L$-function satisfying a suitable function …