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Vertex colouring, Edge Colouring, List Colouring, Fractional Chromatic Number and other variants of graph colouring problems are all on topic.

5 votes

Chromatic number of the power set

Yes, for $X$ infinite the resulting graph also has chromatic number 2. To see this, just use the fact that a graph is bipartite if and only if it does not contain an odd cycle (this remains true for …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
6 votes

Majority coloring for directed graphs

According to this link (see point $15$), Matt DeVos and David Wood can prove that every digraph in which each vertex has an out-neighbour has a good $4$-colouring (I am using their terminology). Up …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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6 votes

Vertex-adding number

The vertex-adding number can be arbitrarily large compared to the chromatic number. To see this consider a long odd cycle, $C_{2k+1}$. Then $\chi(C_{2k+1})=3$, but $a(C_{2k+1})=2k+1$. Note that $ …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
3 votes

Domination number and chromatic number

No. Suppose that such an $r$ exists. Choose $t \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $\frac{1}{t-1} < r$. Let $G$ be the disjoint union of $t-1$ copies of $K_{t}$. Then $|V(G)|=(t-1)t$ and $\chi(G)=t$, so $\fr …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
2 votes

Upper bound on chromatic number for some graphs

No, not every graph in your class is planar. Let $G$ be the graph obtained from $K_{3,3}$ by adding a new vertex that is adjacent to all vertices of $K_{3,3}$. Since, $K_{3,3}$ is triangle free, $G$ …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
3 votes

Graph construction to double coloring & Hadwiger number

Define $K_n'$ to be the graph obtained from the complete graph on $n$ vertices by subdividing each edge once. Let $G$ be a graph with $\chi(G)=c$ and $\eta(G)=h$. Define $2G$ to be the disjoint union …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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5 votes

code that produces all possible trees with n nodes.

It is well known that there is a bijection between the set of trees on $n$ nodes and sequences of length $n-2$ with values in $[n]$. These sequences are called Prüfer sequences. Indeed, the wikipedi …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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6 votes

Upper bound for chromatic number of graphs with $\omega(G)\leq\lfloor\frac{\Delta(G)+1}{2}\r...

As far as I know, your conjecture is an open problem, because Reed's conjecture is still open for $\omega=2$. For $\omega=2$, your conjecture is essentially equivalent to Reed's conjecture. That is, …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
2 votes

A problem about the connectivity of vertices that must have the same color for any proper mi...

Here is a proof to a related claim that hopefully will give you some ideas. Claim. Let $X$ be an equivalence class of the entanglement relation on $V(G)$. Then for all distinct $u,v \in X$, there …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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4 votes

The effects of collapsing vs joining non-adjacent vertices on the chromatic number

Yes, such a graph does exist. Let $G$ be obtained from the complete graph $K_{100}$ by adding two non-adjacent vertices $v$ and $w$ such that $|N_G(v)|=|N_G(w)|=50$ and $N_G(v) \cup N_G(w)=V(K_{100}) …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
2 votes

Discrepancy of chromatic number and independent covering number for $k$-regular hypergraphs

No, this is false already for $k=3$. Let $A$ and $B$ be disjoint sets of size $n$, and let $H$ be the hypergraph with vertex set $A \cup B$, whose hyperedges are all $3$-subsets $e$ of $A \cup B$ suc …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
1 vote

If $G$ and $H$ are $k$-critical, then applying Hajós construction to $G$ and $H$ makes $k$-c...

Let $G$ and $H$ be $k$-critical graphs and $G +_h H$ be the Hajós construction applied to $G$ and $H$ with respect to $vw \in E(G)$ and $xy \in E(H)$. Since $G$ and $H$ are $k$-critical, $G-vw$ and $ …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
  • 32.1k
4 votes

Graph homomorphisms and line graph

Here is a reduction to the case that the maximum degree of $G$ is equal to the maximum degree of $H$. In fact, for this reduction, we do not even need the assumption that $H$ are $G$ are in a homomorp …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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4 votes

Does every graph admit an embedding such that identically-colored edges do not cross?

As requested by Jukka Kohonen, I'll turn my comment into an answer. The answer is in general no. If such an embedding exists, then the red subgraph and blue subgraph are both planar. However, every …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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3 votes

Choice number of embedded graphs

I will use the Euler genus, so that I can also talk about non-orientable surfaces. The Euler genus of a sphere with $g$ handles is $2g$ and the Euler genus of a sphere with $g$ crosscaps is $g$. The …
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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