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Questions designed to generate a "big list" of certain results, examples, conjectures, etc. via many individual answers, each contributing one or a few instances. Such a question should typically be in Community Wiki mode (CW); after asking, please, flag for moderators attention requesting the question to be made CW.

7 votes

What kid-friendly math riddles are too often spoiled for mathematicians?

The book "1000 Play Thinks" by Ivan Moscovich contains up to 1000 of these, depending on your background. It is an absolute delight - large pages, full-coloured and playfully illustrated by Tim Robins …
Zack Wolske's user avatar
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8 votes

Interesting mathematical documentaries

"Achever l'inachevable" or "Achieving the Unachievable" features many mathematicians discussing M.C. Escher's Print Gallery, most of the material coming from the Notices article here.
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
4 votes

Short Course Suggestions For High School Students

Serge Lang's book "Math Talks for Undergraduates" (Springer, 1999) has quite a few topics which will work for anyone with some calculus. Topics include symmetric polynomials, approximation theorems in …
Zack Wolske's user avatar
  • 1,887
10 votes

Casual tours around proofs

John Stallings's article "How Not To Prove The Poincare Conjecture", available here walks us through 4 conjectures - with implications between each - which would prove …
Zack Wolske's user avatar
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