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6 votes
2 answers

Set theoretical foundations for derived categories

A modern approach to derived functors, that has been shown to be useful in a number of different circunstances is that of a derived category (see the book by Yakutieli, for example, here). However, it …
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Ring theoretical aspects of the DAHA

The double affine Hecke algebras (DAHA) were introduced by Cherednik in his study of Macdonald's inner product conjectures (which were solved affirmatively). Nowdays there are many variations of the t …
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Most general filtered algebras with Hilbert polynomials and multiplicities

Let $k$ be any base field and $A$ an affine infinite dimensional $k$-algebra. Let $\mathcal{F}= \{ A_i \}_{i \geq 0}$ be a finite dimensional filtration for $A$: that is, $k \subset A_0$ and each $A_i …
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My category is rigid: what this implies for representation theory?

I am studying a subcategory $\mathcal{C}$ of modules for an associative noncommutative algebra $A$ (which is in fact also a Hopf algebra). It is clear from our definition of $\mathcal{C}$ that it is a …
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Gelfand-Kirillov dimension and tensor products

$\DeclareMathOperator\GK{GK}$Let $k$ be the base field. The Gelfand-Kirillov dimension was introduced by Gelfand and Kirillov in their seminal paper on the Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture. A very famous p …
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When is a finitely generated commutative algebra a projective module over its invariant suba...

For the sake of simplicity, I will work over the complex numbers. Let $A$ be a finitely generated algebra and $G$ any finite group of algebra automorphisms. Then, by Noether's Theorem, $A^G$ is also a …
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Kac-Moody algebras of indefinite type

In his very influential book Infinite dimensional Lie algebras, which is still the main reference for Kac-Moody algebras, in section 0.4 of the introduction, Victor Kac discuss the problem of concrete …
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Proof of a folkloric result about PI-algebras [duplicate]

I am not not an specialist in PI-algebras, but I can say I have a rather good understanding on the subject. It is, of course, interesting to discover if an algebra $A$ is a PI-algebra. But it is also …
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9 votes
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Reference for an old result of P. M. Cohn

As it was shown by Malcev, unlike the commutative case, in which every domain can be embedded in a field, there are noncommutative domains that can't be embedded in a division ring. For noncommutative …
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Examples of simple infinite dimensional Lie algebras

For the sake of simplicity, my base field will be the complex numbers. My question is simple: what are (preferably natural) examples of infinite dimensional simple Lie algebras? I came up with this qu …
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Expositions of symplectic reflection groups

We will work over $\mathbb{C}$. Remember that a finite subgroup $G$ of $\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{C})$ is called a complex reflection group if it is generated by complex reflections $r$, which are l …
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Survey of recent developments of the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension

Complementing Manuel Norman's excelent answer, recently I've found a very nice survey about the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension, from 2015, by Jason Bell, called Growth Functions. This survey discusses man …
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List of equivalent conditions for the invariant subalgebra to be polynomial

Let $k$ be a field, $P_n$ the polynomial algebra in $n$ indeterminates, and $G<\operatorname{GL}_n$ a finite group whose order is coprime to the characteristic of $k$, and that acts on $P_n$ by algebr …
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Elementary equivalence for rings

Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a first-order language, and $M$ and $N$ be two $\mathcal{L}$-structures. We say that $M$ and $N$ are elementarily equivalent (write $M \approx N$) if they satisfy the same first-o …
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Proof of a result by Zhang in Artin's seminal paper

In his seminal paper, Some open problems on three-dimensional graded domains, M. Artin proposed a very small list of possible division rings of fractions that can appear as 'noncommutative function fi …
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