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Linear representations of algebras and groups, Lie theory, associative algebras, multilinear algebra.

2 votes

Existence of supercuspidal representations

Various special constructions make the point for particular groups, which tends to convince one about the general case. E.g., for $G=SL(2,\mathbb Q)$, a well-known (Shalika, Jacquet, c. 1970) idea is …
paul garrett's user avatar
4 votes

Is a space generated by a single vector of finite length in the p-adic supercuspidal GL(n) c...

Maybe! My nominee is Jacquet-PS-Shalika's "essential vector", that is, the (unique up to scalars) vector fixed by the compact subgroup of $GL(n,k_v)$ consisting of matrices $\pmatrix{A&b\cr c&d}$ with …
paul garrett's user avatar
4 votes

Left and right representations

This left-right business is largely an accident of notation/language/writing, which makes it all the more difficult to distinguish genuine mathematical features from accidents of writing left-to-right …
paul garrett's user avatar
8 votes

How to understand the Harish-Chandra isomorphism?

Depending what one means by "intuition", the computation of the behavior of the center $\mathfrak z$ of $U\mathfrak g$ on unramified principal series repns not only suggests the form of the Harish-Cha …
paul garrett's user avatar
16 votes

Maximal compact subgroup of p-adic lie groups

As @user19918273 noted, uniqueness fails immediately: somewhat more generally, for $SL_n(k_v)$ for non-archimedean $k_v$, there are $n$ conjugacy classes of maximal compacts. However, there is a uniqu …
paul garrett's user avatar
6 votes

How does one show the existence of discrete and complementary series for SL(2,R)?

For spherical principal series $I_s$ (non-normalized) induced from $\pmatrix{a & * \cr 0 & a^{-1}} \rightarrow |a|^{2s}$, the dual is $I_{1-s}$, with pairing given by integration over $K$. This is iso …
paul garrett's user avatar
6 votes

Infinitesimal equivalence of admissible representations

Probably the relevant work is that of Casselman and Wallach (independently) on (in effect) adjoints (right? left?) to the forgetful functor taking Lie group repns to Lie algebra repns. The keyword is …
paul garrett's user avatar
5 votes

When k[G/H] is multiplicity free G module ?

Just for contrast/complement to the other good (upvoted) answers: in various situations I've found it sufficient, and possible, to just ask about multiplicity-free-ness of an induced repn for a restri …
paul garrett's user avatar
4 votes

Definitions of Reductive and Semisimple Groups

In addition to other answers, especially if one is interested in (infinite-dimensional) representation theory of Lie groups, a common technical issue is that the maximal compact subgroup should meet a …
paul garrett's user avatar
6 votes

Decomposition of Regular Representation of Non-compact Lie group

Adding some further detail to Will Sawin's answer, in some examples that are clearer than the general case: For semi-simple real Lie groups $G$ obtained by "restricting scalars" of ("classical") comp …
paul garrett's user avatar
2 votes

Representations and support.

Although perhaps the question was directed more at finite groups: for reductive or semi-simple real Lie groups, (serious) results of Harish-Chandra (starting in the early 1950s) show that among regula …
paul garrett's user avatar
2 votes

Representation as an eigenspace of a finite set of differential operators

If I understand the intent of the question: partly iterating what @Alexander Chervov's answer notes, ... For example, a theorem of Harish-Chandra asserts that the collection of irreducible admissible …
paul garrett's user avatar
3 votes

Are irreducible subrepresentations of a tensor product always generated by indecomposable ve...

It seems unlikely, given that already the assertion is not literally true for the tensor product of two copies of the standard representation $V$ of $G=SL_2(\mathbb R)$. Namely, with $v$ a highest-wei …
paul garrett's user avatar
6 votes

Is Fourier analysis a special case of representation theory or an analogue?

In addition to the many other interesting and useful answers, and as evidence for the fruitfulness of the question (!), I do think there are a few other (maybe-interesting and maybe-useful) points to …
paul garrett's user avatar
8 votes

Basis-free definition of Casimir element?

I can't help but add: consider the chain of $G$-equivariant natural maps, using the identification of the Lie algebra $g$ with its dual via the non-degenerate $G$-equivariant Killing form: $$ End(g) \ …
paul garrett's user avatar

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