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5 votes

Morse theory and Euler characteristics

(1) look up "Stratified Morse Theory" by Goresky-MacPherson; they show that in the restricted case of a stratified space (e.g., algebraic variety), there is a well-defined Morse-Euler formula for func …
Robert Ghrist's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a topological description of combinatorial Euler characteristic?

a few comments on the comments above: the combinatorial euler characteristic of a definable space (roughly speaking, a space with finite decomposition into finite-dimensional cells) is a homeomophis …
Robert Ghrist's user avatar
15 votes

Is there a topological description of combinatorial Euler characteristic?

the best approach to the geometric euler characteristic comes from the theory of o-minimal structures. the best reference in this area is the book "tame topology and o-minimal structures" by lou van …
Robert Ghrist's user avatar