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user:1234 user:me (yours) |
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score:3 (3+) score:0 (none) |
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answers:3 (3+) answers:0 (none) isaccepted:yes hasaccepted:no inquestion:1234 |
Views | views:250 |
Code | code:"if (foo != bar)" |
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title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
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closed:yes duplicate:no migrated:no wiki:no |
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is:question is:answer |
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-[tag] -apples |
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Integer programming regards optimization problems, where one seeks to find integer values for a set of unknowns, that optimizes the objective function. A common subset of this type of problems are integer linear programming problems, where all inequalities, equalities and the objective function are linear in the unknowns.
Integer programming problem
Here is one way to linearize $F(X)$, but at the cost of many more binary variables.
Let $x_n^{i,j,s,m} = 1$ if $x_n^{i,j}=x_n^{s,m}=1$ and $=0$ otherwise. Enforce this definition with the following …