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Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds.

65 votes

Analogue to covering space for higher homotopy groups?

There's certainly a homotopy-theoretic analogue. A universal cover of a connected space $X$ is (up to homotopy) a simply connected space $X'$ and a map $X' \to X$ which is an isomorphism on $\pi_n$ fo …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
43 votes

Are there two non-homotopy equivalent spaces with equal homotopy groups?

All of these examples involve a bit of cleverness, so I thought I'd point out a more straightforward way to construct counterexamples. If $X$ is any space, we can build a space $X' = K(\pi_0 X, 0) \t …
Reid Barton's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

(∞, 1)-categorical description of equivariant homotopy theory

I'm trying to learn a bit about equivariant homotopy theory. Let G be a compact Lie group. I guess there is a cofibrantly generated model category whose objects are (compactly generated weak Hausdor …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
26 votes

Counter-example to the existence of left Bousfield localization of combinatorial model category

A surprisingly effective way to construct counterexamples in model category theory is to just write down all the objects and morphisms involved and try to give the resulting (finite!) diagram the stru …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
23 votes

Functorial Whitehead Tower?

The nth stage of the Whitehead tower of X is the homotopy fiber of the map from X to the nth (or so) stage of its Postnikov tower, so you can use your functorial construction of the Postnikov tower pl …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
20 votes
5 answers

Does the cohomology ring of a simply-connected space X determine the cohomology groups of ΩX?

One could try to apply the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence to the pullback diagram • → X ← •, obtaining a spectral sequence TorH•(X, R)(R, R) => H•(ΩX, R), but could there be differentials or extens …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
18 votes

Are non-empty finite sets a Grothendieck test category?

That your G is a test category is stated in the last sentence of 4.1.20 in the paper of Cisinski you mention. This case is also treated in more detail in section 8.3, where it is shown that the left …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
17 votes

K-theory as a generalized cohomology theory

1 is doubly wrong. First, you need to distinguished generalized cohomology theories and reduced generalized cohomology theories. If you want to work with the latter, you should replace "a point" in …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
16 votes

Mayer-Vietoris homotopy groups sequence of a pull-back of a fibration

I don't know of a reference, but here is a quick argument. Suppose we want to compute the homotopy pullback P = X ×hZ Y of two maps f : X → Z and g : Y → Z of pointed simplicial sets. Assume for con …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
15 votes

Is the singular simplicial complex functor $\operatorname{Sing}_\bullet:\operatorname{Top} \...

Here is a simple counterexample with $X = Y = \mathbb{R}$: Send a simplex $\sigma : |\Delta^n| \to \mathbb{R}$ to the affine function $F(\sigma) : |\Delta^n| \to \mathbb{R}$ with the same values at th …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
15 votes
3 answers

Extending Kan fibrations, without using minimal fibrations

$\require{AMScd}$One thing that needs to be checked to give an interpretation of type theory in simplicial sets (as in Kapulkin-Lumsdaine) is that "the base of the universal fibration is fibrant". Exp …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
15 votes
1 answer

Stable ∞-categories as spectral categories

Let C be a stable ∞-category in the sense of Lurie's DAG I. (In particular I do not assume that C has all colimits.) Then C does have all finite colimits, the suspension functor on C is an equivalen …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
14 votes

Do h-coequalizers and coproducts give all h-colimits?

There is an analogue, but one should replace coequalizers by geometric realizations (homotopy colimits over Δop). If $F : I \to M$ is a diagram in a model category, one has $$\operatorname{hocolim}_I …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
13 votes

Why do finite homotopy groups imply finite homology groups?

It sounds like maybe you can prove your first statement for simply connected spaces. In that case, you can use the homotopy orbit spectral sequence (the Serre spectral sequence associated to the fibr …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k
13 votes

One Point Compactification

More generally, if A and X0 are any finite CW complexes, and f : A → X0 is any map, let Y be the mapping cone of f, and let X be Y with the cone point removed; then Y is the one-point compactification …
Reid Barton's user avatar
  • 25.2k

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