For a graph $G$, let $e(G)$ denote the number of its edges, and $c_k(G)$ the smallest number
of edges that must be removed in order to destroy all paths of length $\geq k+1$.
Note that $c_1(G)\geq c_2(G)\geq \ldots\geq c_k(G)\geq \ldots$.
Let $K_n$ be a complete graph, and $T_n$ a complete acyclic digraph ([transitive tournament]( on $n$
vertices; hence $e(K_n)=e(T_n)=\tbinom{n}{2}$.
A classical [result]( of Erd&#337;s and Gallai
states that 
In contrast, for the directed acyclic analogue $T_n$ of $K_n$, we have
c_k(T_n)= k\binom{n/k}{2}=\frac{e(T_n)}{k}+\frac{n}{2}\Big(1-\frac{1}{k}\Big).
<b>Proof:</b> To show $c_k(T_n)\leq k\tbinom{n/k}{2}$, take a topological order of vertices of $T_n$: 
vertices $i$ and $j$ are adjacent iff
$i < j$. Split the vertices into $k$ consecutive intervals of length $n/k$. If we remove all
edges whose both endpoints lie in the same interval, then we destroy all paths of length $\geq k+1$. 
 Since only $k\tbinom{n/k}{2}$ edges were removed, we are done. 
 The other direction $c_k(T_n)\geq k\tbinom{n/k}{2}$ was essentially shown
by David Eppstein in this [answer](
Let $C$ be a set of edges whose removal destroys all paths of length $≥k+1$ in $T_n$. Split the vertices into $t\leq k$ layers, where the $i$-th layer
contains all vertices $u$ such that the length of a longest path to $u$ in $T_n\setminus C$
 has length $i$. Since each layer is a layer of the <i>longest-path</i> layering,
it is independent in $T_n\setminus C$, and therefore complete in $C$.
Thus, if $n_i$ is the number of vertices in the $i$-th layer, then
the total number of edges in $C$ is at least
$\sum_{i=1}^t\tbinom{n_i}{2}\geq t\tbinom{n/t}{2}\geq k\tbinom{n/k}{2}$, as desired. 
Motivated by this (remarkable) difference between $c_k(K_n)$ and $c_k(T_n)$, here is my 
Does $c_k(G)$ is at most "about" $e(G)/k$ for <i>every</i> acyclic digraph $G$?
By "about" I mean  "times some absolute constant or times some slowly growing function in $n$".

Note that the problem is only to get rid with graphs having also short paths (shorter than $k$), 
because $c_1(G)\leq e(G)/t$ holds
for any (not necessarily acyclic) digraph $G$, where $t$ is the length of a shortest source-to-target path. This is a direct consequence of
a dual to
[Menger’s theorem]( (attributed to Robacker):
in any directed graph, the <i>minimum</i> length $t$ of a path is equal
to the <i>maximum</i> number of edge-disjoint cuts. (The proof is elementary, see e.g.
Besides being natural in itself, an affirmative answer to my question would have some interesting consequences in [boolean function complexity]( (see [this]( post and references herein).