In the (wonderful) book by C. Birkenhake and H. Lange *Complex Abelian Varieties* we can find the following statement, see Corollary 4.3.4 page 77. It is stated in any dimension $\geq 2$, but I will focus in the case of abelian surfaces. >**Proposition.** Let $f \colon X \to Y$ be an isogeny of abelian surfaces and let $D$ be a positive definite and irreducible divisor on $Y$. Then $f^*D$ is also irreducible. The proof starts as follows: *Assume the contrary, then $f^*D$ is a sum of effective divisors $D_1+ \cdots + D_n$. But necessarily $D_i \cdot D_j=0$ and $D_i$ is numerically equivalent to $D_j$ for all $i \neq j$, the map $f$ being an étale Galois covering $\ldots$* and then a contradiction is reached by using the Nakai-Moishezon theorem. Now, I do not understand the part $D_i \cdot D_j=0$ for all $i \neq j$. If $D$ is smooth then this is immediate: in fact, an étale cover of a smooth curve must be smooth, in particular its irreducible components do not intersect. However, if $D$ is singular (and in the Proposition there is no smoothness assumption) the same argument do not work, in fact it is well-known that there are nodal curves with a connected, étale double cover consisting of two copies of the normalization, see for instance example 10.6 in Chapter III of Hartshorne's *Algebraic Geometry*. So my question is >**Q.** Is the result stated in the Proposition above also true when $D$ is singular? If not, what is a counterexample? Or maybe am I missing something?