Given n distinct random positive integers {$N_1, ...N_n$}, find a closed form solution for the below sum $M = \sum_{i=1}^n N_i \% N$ <br>     where $N_i, N, n \in \mathbb N$<br>     and $N_i \% N$ is the remainder when $N_i$ is divided by $N$ Although trivial, I was able to reduce it to the below form<br><br> $M = KN + (\sum_{i=1}^n N_i)\%N$<br>    where $K$ is the quotient when $M$ is divided by N<br><br> but I am unable to reduce $K$ further into any closed form.<br> I have been looking up several research papers and questions posted here, but could not get any pointers. Any help is greatly appreciated.