In Beauville's "Counting rational curves on K3 surfaces" is implictly
assumed the existence of algebraic K3 surfaces with Pic of rank one and generated 
by a curve of genus g. 

How do we show the existence of such K3 surfaces ? 
**Edit**: See Ferreti's first comment below for an answer. 


Using the argument pointed out  by Ferreti in his first and second comments, we can
reduce the existence of  the sought K3 surfaces to the following: 

>   There exists infinitely many integers
> k for which (2k)(2k +3) is 
> squarefree.

Start with a smooth quartic S in P(3) and let H be a hyperplane section. 
For a fixed r and k>>0,  the restriction of kH to S is r-very ample. 

Suppose S contains a line L. Then the linear system |E|=|H-L| 
defines a fibration by elliptic curves on S. 
Thus kH + E is also r-very ample.

Let SS be a family of K3 surfaces 
that  deforms S in such a way that the class of O(k) is preserved, 
and for a generic member of the family every  element in H1,1\cap
H^2(Z) not proportional to O(k) becomes non-rational. Thus the 
generic element has Pic = Z. Since r-very ampleness is an open condition
( the points in the relative Hilb^r(SS)  where it does not hold is closed)
we obtain a K3 surface with Pic = Z  and  a r-very ample line-bundle of 
self-intersection 4k^2 + 6k = 2k(2k +3). If this  number is squarefree then
the line bundle is primitive. 


After googling a bit I found general results about squarefree values of polynomials  which seems to ensure the existence of infinitely many integers k for which 2k(2k +3) is squarefree.  


**Edit:** It is not clear to me  if it is really necessary to impose the number theoretical condition to obtain primitiviness.