There is an ubiquitous pattern of questions concerning assumedly any kind of mathematical object or structure: groups, graphs, numbers, categories, and so on. It goes like this (informally):

> Can a class of objects or structures of a given kind *X* that is characterized by some "external condition" *Y* be defined by a condition *Z* in their respective "internal"
> language, and if so: how?

Well-known examples ("external condition" **=** "internal condition"):

1. groups $G$ isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group on $G$ **=** all groups (*Cayley's theorem*)

2. graphs embeddable in the plane **=** graphs not containing a subgraph that is a subdivision of $K_5$  or $K_{3,3}$ (*Kuratowski's theorem*)

3. numbers *n* of trees on labeled vertices **=** numbers *n = k*<sup>*k*-2</sup> for some *k* &gt; 1 (*Cayley's theorem on trees*)

4. numbers *n* with only one group of order *n* **=** numbers *n = p<sub>1</sub> &middot; p<sub>2</sub> &middot;  ... &middot; p<sub>k</sub>* for some *k* &gt; 0, where the *p<sub>i</sub>* are distinct primes and no *p<sub>j-1</sub>* is divisible by any *p<sub>i</sub>* (*cyclic numbers*, see [Sloane's A003277][1])

Further examples from MO:

 - [Which graphs are Cayley graphs?][3]
 - [Can we recognize when a category is
   equivalent to the category of models
   of a first order theory?][4]
 - [Can you determine whether a graph is
   the 1-skeleton of a polytope?][5]

> **Question #1:** What's the proper way to
> characterize this pattern of
> questions? What's the common
> context / rationale?


> **Question #2:** How is the introductory question to be
> posed properly?
