This question arose from another one of mine,

An element $d$ of a bounded lattice $L$ is called $\mathit{dense}$ if
\forall x\in L\ (d\land x=\bot)\Rightarrow(x=\bot)

It is well known that a finite distributive lattice (more generally, a (not necessarily finite) Heyting algebra (still more generally, a pseudocomplemented distributive lattice))) is Boolean if and only if $\top$ is the only dense element: in this case dense elements are precisely those of the form $a\lor\neg a$ where $\neg$ is the Heyting implication.

Is a characterization of general (non-distributive) lattices with the same property known? That is, which bounded lattices have the property that $\top$ is the unique dense element?

Variations: this property + the only codense element is $\bot$; not necessarily bounded lattices such that all intervals have these properties; just the finite case; etc., etc.

Also, what about those distributive lattices which are neither pseudocomplemented nor copseudocomplemented? And what about (co)pseudocomplemented non-distributive ones?