If $\mathcal{R}'$ is a _closed_ subsurface of a hyperbolic surface $\mathcal{R}$, then according to theorem 3.18 page 84 of the book _a primer on mapping-class group_ there is an inclusion homomorphism between the mapping class groups: $$\text{Mod}(\mathcal{R}')\longrightarrow \text{Mod}(\mathcal{R})$$ I am concerned with the situation where $\mathcal{R}''$ is a general subsurface of $\mathcal{R}$. Such a surface has some handles, a number of boundaries, and a number of punctures. The presence of punctures makes the surface non-closed assuming that the boundary curves belong to the boundaries of $\mathcal{R}''$. It is possible some of the boundaries and/or punctures of $\mathcal{R}''$ are also boundaries and/or punctures of $\mathcal{R}$, i.e : $$\partial\mathcal{R}''\cap \partial\mathcal{R}\ne \emptyset$$ Here a mapping-class **fixes the boundary but can permute the punctures**. There are two questions: - Is there an inclusion homomorphism between the mapping-class groups in this case, i.e. does a homomorphism $\text{Mod}(\mathcal{R}'')\longrightarrow \text{Mod}(\mathcal{R})$ exist? - If yes, when does such a homomorphism is injective? In particular, when $\text{Mod}(\mathcal{R}'')$ is a subgroup of $\text{Mod}(\mathcal{R})$? A good reference is highly appreciated. The case where the mapping-classes fix the punctures and all of the boundaries of $\mathcal{R}''$ belong to the interior of $\mathcal{R}$ is treated in [Geometric Subgroups of Mapping Class Groups][1]. [1]: https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/9906122.pdf