Here is another model from Gil Kalai last idea: We have the moving compressible fluid in which the particles can teleportate, diffuse, and organize the motion, while contamination can only diffuse. Each particle can be contaminated or not. You see contamination levels but not individual contamination. How to move? The answer is that unorganized teleportation should be excluded (uncontrolled private cars), diffusion should be reduced (Israeli 100 meters from home rule for walking out), the movement of all particles should be *towards* the higher contamination density until the maximum allowed density of the fluid is reached there (meaning sending goods only from warehouses in less contaminated areas to the shops in more contaminated areas, but *never* the other way around, sending the hospital cases to the hospitals in the highest contamination areas until full capacity is reached there, the doctors working in the *nearest to home* hospitals whenever the switch is possible, etc, etc. Has this been implemented *anywhere*? Now the next question: how to let China return to the normal mode and provide goods for the rest of the world? That would require more than hemotaxis in the model: we need a flow. It cannot be maintained forever, of course, but it is possible for quite a long time. What would that mean in practical terms? First, no one can enter China (they believe their cases now are just "imported", but why do we need any import? BTW, no question is rhetorical now). No shipments of goods should be sent to China; all hospital cases should be moved to the closest hospital to where they get most cases at the moment (by military helicopters or planes if it is not 911 and they can afford now to test every symptomatic case and move it), and the areas that should be opened to the relaxed life should be furthest from the areas with cases. In other words, if the cases are imported, they should stay at the border, the doctors treating them should stay at the borders, and somewhere along the borderline a deserted area should be created, so China will split itself into productive inland and defensive outskirts. In the fluid terminology, in addition to hemotaxis on the patch boundary towards the contamination, there should be hemotaxis away from the boundary inside until the patch separates into the outer layer and the inner bulk with minimal density in between (transit transport only, no real inhabitance). How much of that is feasible is another question. But does it make sense?