**A** The empty set is a covering map of any topological space. More generally, a covering map needn't be surjective (although many books claim just that). For example the inclusion of a closed and open subset of a space is a covering. Strangely, I would argue that this entails that the empty topological space, although connected, is not simply connected. **B** Dually, given a field $K$, the zero algebra over $K$ is diagonal and in particular étale: the morphism of affine schemes $\varnothing \to Spec(K) $ is étale. In the same vein, a nonzero constant polynomial over $K$ is separable (its nonexistent roots in an algebraic closure of $K$ are certainly distinct) . We may then say without any exception that the $K$-algebra $K[X]/(f(X))$ is étale iff $f(X)$ is a separable polynomial.