I don't believe that the problem is NP-complete, because you're working in a fixed dimension. Since most of us believe that the hardest case is when the angle between the two lines is very small, then you can take the line L half way in between the two lines, and orthogonally project onto it for the objective function. Then we have an integer programming problem in 2 dimensions -- the two inequalities specify the proper side of the two lines. Hendrik Lenstra in "Integer Programming with a fixed number of variables" in Mathematics of Operations Research, showed that when the dimension is fixed there is a polynomial time algorithm for IP (using a variant of the L^3 lattice basis reduction). There's also the paper http://www.math.uni-klu.ac.at/or/doctoralschool/deloera.pdf "Integer Polynomial Optimization in Fixed Dimension" which mentions that a convex polynomial objective function also has a polynomial time algorithm in fixed dimension, so that should do it for this problem.