McKay and Wormald conjectured that the number of simple $d$-regular graphs of order $n$ is asymptotically $$\sqrt 2 e^{1/4} (\lambda^\lambda(1-\lambda)^{1-\lambda})^{\binom n2}\binom{n-1}{d}^n,$$ where $\lambda=d/(n-1)$ and $d=d(n)$ is any integer function of $n$ with $1\le d\le n-2$ and $dn$ even. Bender and Canfield, and independently Wormald, proved this for bounded $d$ in 1978, and Bollobás extended this to $d=O(\sqrt{\log n})$ in 1980. McKay and Wormald proved the conjecture in 1990-1991 for $\min\{d,n-d\}=o(n^{1/2})$ [1], and $\min\{d,n-d\}>cn/\log n$ for constant $c>2/3$ [2]. These remain the best results. The gap between these ranges remains unproved, though the computer says the conjecture is surely true there too. The formula apart from the $\sqrt2e^{1/4}$ has a simple combinatorial interpretation, and the universality of the constant $\sqrt2e^{1/4}$ is an enigma crying out for an explanation. Incidentally this conjecture is for labelled regular graphs. For isomorphism classes, divide by $n!$ for $3\le d\le n-4$, since in that range almost all regular graphs have trivial automorphism groups (references on request). For $d=0,1,2,n-3,n-2,n-1$, this isn't true. [1] Combinatorica, 11 (1991) 369-382. [2] European J. Combin., 11 (1990) 565-580.