I am always fascinated when a quadratic form (or a quadric) arises naturally. I have
some elementary examples, but most of all, I want to learn more examples. I hope this question isn't considered too vague for MO.  Most forms I list are really
elementary, and all are finite dimensional.

I got most of the following examples from M.Berger, Geometry I & II, and from the truly beautiful book "Eléments de géométrie : actions de groupes" by french author Rached Meinmné.

$(0)$ the discriminant on the affine space of unitary degre 2 polynomials

$(i)$ the determinant on endomorphisms of a 2 dimensional vector space, and

$(ii)$ the radical on the space of quadratic forms on a 2 dimensional vector space,
and the isotrope cone (not sure about the name, degenerate cone?). 

$(iii)$ the family of hermitian forms (built from the Wronskian) on the solution
space of the discrete Schroedinger equation that allow one to show the existence of
right and left side $L^2$ solutions, and the Weyl m function.

$(iv)$ If $\Delta$ is any $2$ dimensional complex vector space, then
$\mathrm{Herm}(\Delta)$, the real vector space of hermitian forms on $\Delta$,
carries a natural quadratic form obtained by constructing an essentially unique
morphism $\rho$ from $\mathrm{Herm}(\Delta)$ to
$\mathrm{Hom}(\Delta\oplus\overline{\Delta})$ such that for all
$h\in\mathrm{Herm}(\Delta),~\rho(h)^2 \Id$. Here, $\rho$ only depends on a choice of
a nonzero element $\omega\in\Lambda^2\Delta^*$.

$(v)$ If $V$ is a 4 dimensional vector space, then $\Lambda^2 V$ carries the natural
quadric $Q(v)=v\wedge v$ where $\Lambda^4 V$ is identified with the underlying
field, which vanishes exactly when $v$ comes from the canonical map
$\mathrm{Gr}(2,V)\rightarrow P\Lambda^2V$.

I remember reading about one on the space of circles, but I forgot the details. What other examples of natural quadratic forms are there?