I am quite certain the statement "the only place where medieval theology survives is pure math" attributed to one of Gödel's essays by Chaitin, does not appear as a paraphrase in the <A HREF="https://monoskop.org/images/a/aa/Kurt_Gödel_Collected_Works_Volume_III_1995.pdf">collected works</A>. (At least a search for "medieval" or "theology" does not return anything close.) However, if I understand the question in the OP more generally as an interest in this line of thought of Gödel, then <A HREF="https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/at/godel.htm">The modern development of the foundations of mathematics in the light of philosophy</A> develops it as follows: > I would like to attempt here to describe, in terms of philosophical > concepts, the development of foundational research in mathematics > since around the turn of the century, and to fit it into a general > schema of possible philosophical world-views. For this, it is > necessary first of all to become clear about the schema itself. I > believe that the most fruitful principle for gaining an overall view > of the possible world-views will be to divide them up according to the > degree and the manner of their affinity to or, respectively, turning > away from metaphysics (or religion). In this way we immediately obtain > a division into two groups: skepticism, materialism and positivism > stand on one side, spiritualism, idealism and theology on the other. > [...] > Now it is a familiar fact, even a platitude, that the development of > philosophy since the Renaissance has by and large gone from right to > left - not in a straight line, but with reverses, yet still, on the > whole. Particularly in physics, this development has reached a peak in > our own time. [...] It would truly be a miracle if this (I would like > to say rabid) development had not also begun to make itself felt in > the conception of mathematics. Actually, mathematics, by its nature as > an a priori science, always has, in and of itself, an inclination > toward the right, and, for this reason, has long withstood the spirit > of the time that has ruled since the Renaissance.