Recently, in my research I bumped onto gonal morphisms. At the moment, my knowledge is based upon some things I read on the internet. Before stating my questions, I added some definitions/facts that might motivate the questions below. By a curve, I mean a smooth projective connected curve over $\mathbf{C}$. A non-constant morphism $\pi:X\longrightarrow \mathbf{P}^1$ is *gonal* if $\deg \pi$ is minimal. The *gonality* of a curve $X$, denoted by $\gamma_X$, is the degree of a gonal morphism $\pi:X\longrightarrow \mathbf{P}^1$. Thus, for example, a curve of genus $g\geq 2$ is hyperelliptic iff it is $2$-gonal. The hyperelliptic map of a hyperelliptic curve is unique. (Of course, here by unique we mean *unique up to composition with an isomorphism of the projective line*.) Edit: In the questions below, we consider the set of gonal morphisms of a curve modulo the action of Aut$(\mathbf{P}^1)$. **Fact 1.** For any curve $X$ of genus $g\geq 2$, we have that $\gamma_X \leq [\frac{g+3}{2}]$. **Fact 2.** For any integer $\gamma \geq 2$, the closure of the locus of $\gamma$-gonal curves in the moduli space $\mathcal{M}_g$ of smooth curves of genus $g\geq 2$ is irreducible of dimension $2g-5+2\gamma$. **Fact 3.** For any prime number $p$ and integer $g\geq 2$ such that $g\geq (p-1)^2$, Accola showed that any $p$-gonal curve of genus $g$ has a unique gonal morphism. I can't prove these facts, but I do remember where I got them from. So if necessary I could give the references. **Question 1.** Let $X$ be a $\gamma$-gonal curve of genus $g\geq 2$. Is the set of gonal morphisms for $X$ *modulo the action of Aut$(\mathbf{P}^1)$* finite? I expect the answer to this question to be negative if $g-\gamma$ is small. In view of Fact 3, I would like to propose the following question. **Question 2a.** Fix $\gamma\geq 3$. Does there exist an integer $g_\gamma$ such that for any $g\geq g_\gamma$ and any $\gamma$-gonal curve $X$ of genus $g$, the gonal morphism for $X$ is unique? **Question 2b.** Fix $\gamma\geq 3$. Does there exist an integer $g_\gamma$ such that for any $g\geq g_\gamma$ and any $\gamma$-gonal curve X of genus $g$, the set of gonal morphisms for $X$ is finite? **Question 3.** Does there exist a positive integer $g_0$ with the following property? For any $g\geq g_0$ and curve $X$ of genus $g$, the set of gonal morphisms of $X$ is finite? **Question 4.** Do there exist curves with infinitely many gonal morphisms? (Edit: In hindsight, this question is the same as Question 1.) I think it's clear that these questions aren't unrelated. They are all related to the set of gonal morphisms associated to a curve. It would be wonderful to know when this set is finite.