Let $n_\lambda^K$  be the number all semi-standard Young tableaux of size 
$K$ with Ferrers diagrams diagram $\lambda$ 
(i.e. the number of all fillings of $\lambda$ with natural numbers with weakly increasing rows 
and strictly increasing columns, the content of which sum to $K$).

To each diagram $\lambda$ there corresponds 
a representation of $GL(2m,C)$ ($m$ sufficiently large)  
and the sum $\sum_{\mu}N_{\lambda\mu} \mu$ of diagrams $\mu$, 
into which this representation decomposes upon restriction to $O(2m,C)$ ([1]eq. 25.37). 
The multiplicites $N_{\lambda\mu} = \sum_\delta N_{\delta \mu \lambda}$ are the sums of the
Littlewood Richardson coefficients $N_{\delta \mu \lambda}$ over all even 
subdiagrams $\delta$ of $\lambda$, i.e. $\delta_i$ even, $\delta_i\le \lambda_i$, 
$\delta_1\ge \delta_2\ge \dots$.

The conjecture states: 

For each $K\ge 2$ the sum of diagrams $\sum_{\lambda\mu} n_\lambda^K N_{\lambda\mu} \mu $ combine
with multiplicities $l_\sigma^K\ge 0$ to families $\sigma$ of diagrams  which arise  upon 
restriction of representations $\sigma$ of $O(2m+1,C)$ to $O(2m,C)$ ([1]eq. 25.34)

    $\sum_{\lambda\mu} n_\lambda^K N_{\lambda\mu} \mu =
    \sum_\sigma l_\sigma^K(\sum_{\bar\sigma}\bar\sigma)$

where for each $\sigma$ the family $(\sum_{\bar\sigma}\bar\sigma)$ consists of all diagrams $\bar\sigma$ with

    $\sigma_1\ge \bar\sigma_1\ge\sigma_2\ge\bar\sigma_2\ge \dots $


It is known, that at each level $K\ge 2$ the exited string states with vanishing momentum
span a vector space which allows a representation of $O(25)$.
This proves the conjecture to hold for all diagrams $\mu$ where the sum of the
lengths $\mu^\prime_1$ and $\mu^\prime_2$ of the first and second column does not exceed $24$.

If the conjecture can be shown to hold without the restriction $\mu^\prime_1 + \mu^\prime_2\le 24$
then the bosonic string is consistent in arbitrary dimension and the dimension 26 is just an artefact
of an unsuitable construction of the generators of Lorentz transformations in the lightcone

[1] William Fulton and Joe Harris, Representation Theory, Springer Verlag, New York, 1991