The better analogy when the markers are distinct is not Sokoban, but the well-known [15-puzzle][1]. It is even on an *undirected graph*. All my remarks below are about the undirected version. (My brief literature search turn up only one paper with directed graphs, for a *single* pebble (robot) with obstacles whose final position is irrelevant.) The upshot is: > On undirected graphs, the decision version ("Does a solution exist?") is solvable in polynomial time, but minimizing the number of moves is NP-hard. There is a short paper by Oded Goldreich, dating back to 1984 but [published][2] only in 2011, "[Finding the shortest move-sequence in the graph-generalized 15-puzzle is NP-hard][3]". Ratner and Warmuth showed ([Journal of Symbolic Computation, 1990][4]) that this is true even for the extension of the 15-puzzle to larger squares. Richard Wilson has [characterized][5] in 1974 the cases when a solution is possible, in the case when there are $n-1$ tokens on a general $n$-vertex graph, like in the 15-puzzle. According to a [recent paper by Gabriele Röger and Malte Helmert][6], Kornhauser, Miller, and Spirakis (["Coordinating pebble motion on graphs, the diameter of permutation groups, and applications", 1984][7]) have extended these results to the case when fewer vertices are occupied, and showed that there is a solution with $O(n^3)$ moves if there is a solution at all. (I haven't looked at this paper.) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: