Suppose we have a Quillen adjunction $L\colon {\mathcal C} \leftrightarrow {\mathcal D}: R$. For convenience let us assume that all objects of $\mathcal C$ are cofibrant and all objects of $\mathcal D$ are fibrant, so that $L$ and $R$ are homotopy functors. Let $(L', R')$ be another Quillen adjunction. Let's suppose that we have a natural transformation $\alpha_L\colon L \to L'$. It induces a natural transformation $\alpha_R\colon R' \to R$. Let us assume that $\alpha_L$ is a weak equivalence. If I am not mistaken, it follows that $\alpha_R$ is a weak equivalence. Let $T$ and $T'$ be the monads $RL$ and $R'L'$ respectively. As far as I see, in general there is no map of monads between $T$ and $T'$. <b> Question </b>: Are the homotopy categories of $T$ algebras and $T'$-algebras equivalent? <b> Remark </b>: The adjunction $(L, R)$ induces a Quillen adjunction between $T$-algebras and $\mathcal D$. This adjunction is sometimes (quite often?) a Quillen equivalence. In this case one may say that $T$ satisfies homotopy descent. It seems that if $T$ satisfies homotopy descent, then so does $T'$, and in this case Ho$(T-\mathrm{alg})$ and Ho$(T'-\mathrm{alg})$ are equivalent, since both are equivalent to Ho$(\mathcal D)$. I want to know if there is a direct way to compare algebras over $T$ and $T'$, without using descent.