The software packages [Octave]( and [scilab]( can also do this. An example for $y^3 + y^3 - 6x^2y=0$ would be xmin=-5.0; xstep=0.1; xmax=5.0; // replace with your values ymin=.... ; // replace with your values // generate x,y lattice points for plot [x y]=meshgrid(xmin:xstep:xmax, ymin:ystep:ymax); // define z=f(x,y), replace with your desired function z=y.^3 + x.^3 - 6 * x.^2 .* y; // now perform contour plot of function contour(z); and Octave and Scilab are free software and open-source software which can be freely downloaded and used on multiple operating system platforms. - - - -