> ***Q***. Can every knot be realized as the trajectory of a spaceship weaving among a finite number of fixed planets, subject to gravity alone? <hr /> <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/O0fXU.jpg" width="200" /> <hr /> To make this more specific, let $S$ be a large sphere, containing a finite number of planet-points $P=\{p_1, \ldots, p_n\}$. The planet-points have (in general) different masses, and are fixed in $\mathbb{R}^3$. A spaceship $x$ approaches $S$ from $\infty$, interacts via gravity with the point masses, and eventually exits $S$ to $\infty$. Define the knot $K$ realized by the ship's trajectory as the path of $x$ plus a connection between the two ends at $\infty$. (Assume those two $\infty$-ends are distinct.) For any given $K$, can one arrange point masses in $P \subset S$ and a line of approach to $S$ so that $x$'s path weaves $K$ by interacting with the planets via gravity alone, i.e., without the use of rocket fuel? One approach might be to design a "gadget" that mimics a vertex $v$ of a stick knot and $v$'s two incident segments. But preventing the vertex gadgets from interfering with one another might not be straightforward. <hr /> <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/6tKJO.png" width="400" /> <br /> <sup> Cassini trajectory. Image from [NASA/JPL](https://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/resources/1776/cassini-trajectory/). </sup> <hr /> [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/O0fXU.jpg