This answer concerns contramodules that are finitely generated as objects of the category of contramodules, in the sense of the abstract category-theoretic definition of "finitely generated". The examples below in this answer tend to suggest that there are too few such finitely generated contramodules to hope for an interesting theory. Let $\mathbf{K}$ be a cocomplete category (i.e., a category with set-indexed colimits). An object $Q\in\mathbf{K}$ is said to be finitely generated if, for any diagram $(E_\gamma)_{\gamma\in\Gamma}$ of objects in $\mathbf{K}$, indexed by a directed poset $\Gamma$, with monomorphisms $E_\gamma\to E_\delta$ for $\gamma<\delta\in\Gamma$, the natural map $$ \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf{Sets}}_{\gamma\in\Gamma} \operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbf{K}}(Q,E_\gamma) \longrightarrow \operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbf{K}}(Q,\, \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf{K}}_{\gamma\in\Gamma}E_\gamma) $$ is an isomorphism (bijection) of sets. The following example of a direct limit is helpful to consider. In any cocomplete category $\mathbf{K}$, for any family of elements $(P_x\in\mathbf{K})_{x\in X}$, the coproduct of all the objects $P_x$ in $\mathbf{K}$ is the direct limit of the coproducts of $(P_z)_{z\in Z}$ taken over all the finite subsets $Z\subset X$. So let $\Gamma$ denote the directed poset of all finite subsets $Z\subset X$, ordered by inclusion. Then we have $$ \coprod\nolimits^\mathbf{K}_{x\in X}P_x= \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf K}_{Z\in\Gamma} \left(\coprod\nolimits^{\mathbf K}_{z\in Z}P_z\right). $$ In particular, when all the objects $P_x$ are the same, $P_x=P$ for all $x\in X$, we have $$ P^{(X)} = \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf K}_{Z\in\Gamma} P^{(Z)}, $$ where the notation is $P^{(Y)}=\coprod^{\mathbf K}_{y\in Y}P$. If $\mathbf{K}$ is a category with zero object then, for any objects $E$ and $F\in\mathbf{K}$, the coproduct injections $E\to E\sqcup F$ and $F\to E\sqcup F$ are monomorphisms. So in particular, in the above example, the $\Gamma$-indexed directed diagram of finite copowers $P^{(Z)}$ of an object $P$ is a diagram of monomorphisms. Now let $C$ be a coassociative, counital coalgebra over a field $k$. We are interested in the category of left $C$-contramodules $\mathbf{K}=C{-}\mathbf{contra}$. Given a vector space $V$, the $C$-contramodule $F=\operatorname{Hom}_k(C,V)$ (with the contraaction map $\pi_F$ induced by the comultiplication map $\Delta_C$) is called the free $C$-contramodule generated by $V$. Let $X$ be a set indexing a basis in $V$. We will use the notation $A[X]=\bigoplus_{x\in X}^{\mathbf{Ab}}A$ for the direct sum of copies of the same object in the category of abelian groups (or vector spaces). So, in particular, we have $V=k[X]$. The $C$-contramodule $\operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[X])$ can be also called the free $C$-contramodule generated by set $X$. In particular, consider $P=C^*=\operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k)$; this is the free $C$-contramodule with one generator. The notation $C^*[[X]]=\operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[X])$ is sometimes used. In the category of $C$-contramodules $\mathbf{K}=C{-}\mathbf{contra}$, we have $$ \operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[X])=\coprod\nolimits_{x\in X}^{\mathbf K}C^*=P^{(X)}. $$ Hence, following the above discussion of an arbitrary category $\mathbf{K}$, $$ \operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[X])= \varinjlim\nolimits_{Z\in\Gamma}^{\mathbf K} \operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[Z]), $$ where $\Gamma$ is the directed poset of all finite subsets $Z\subset X$. Now let $Q=C^*$ be also the free $C$-contramodule with one generator. Then the functor $\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbf K}(Q,{-})\colon C{-}\mathbf{contra}\to\mathbf{Sets}$ is simply the forgetful functor $C{-}\mathbf{contra}\to\mathbf{Sets}$ (assigning to a $C$-contramodule $M$ its underlying set $M$). Hence we have \begin{multline*} \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf{Sets}}_{Z\in\Gamma} \operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbf{K}}(Q,P^{(Z)}) = \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf{Sets}}_{Z\in\Gamma} \operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[Z]) \\ = \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf{Sets}}_{Z\in\Gamma} (C^*\otimes_k k[Z]) = C^*\otimes_k k[X]=C^*[X]. \end{multline*} On the other hand, $$ \operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbf{K}}(Q,\, \varinjlim\nolimits^{\mathbf{K}}_{Z\in\Gamma} P^{(Z)}) = \operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbf{K}}(Q,P^{(X)})= \operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[X])=C^*[[X]]. $$ Whenever the coalgebra $C$ is infinite-dimensional over $k$ and the set $X$ is infinite, the natural (injective) map $C^*\otimes_k k[X]\to\operatorname{Hom}_k(C,k[X])$ is not an isomorphism. Thus, for any infinite-dimensional coalgebra $C$, the free $C$-contramodule with one generator $Q=C^*$ is not a finitely generated object in $\mathbf{K}=C{-}\mathbf{contra}$. This is too long already, so I will perhaps continue with a specific counterexample in a comment.