Consider the following: >1)How many connected regions can $n$ hyperplanes form in $\mathbb R^d$? >2) What if the set of hyperplanes are affine? (Denote the first as $f(d,n)$ and the second as $g(d,n)$, and assume that $n>>d$) I saw [here](,[here]( and [here]( that the answer to (1) is $$f(d,n)=\sum_{i=0}^d {n \choose i}$$ However I find it non-trivial to generalize the proof of $\mathbb R^2$ that wasprovided to $\mathbb R^d$ (without using "lower"/"upper" descriptions.) Regarding 2, I have the feeling that $g(d,n)=2^d+2\cdot(n-d)$, since the first $d$ hyperplanes can disconnect it into $d$ regions, and any additional lines will go through two antipodal regions. However, I'm having troubles to show it formally. Another assumption is that the effect of affinity results in lower the dimension by 1, i.e. $g(d,n)=\sum_{i=0}^{d-1} {n \choose i}$. Any ideas? Thanks!