I am asking this question on MO as earlier it was asked on MSE (link below). I even put a bounty on it and waited but no one answered. So I am posting it here as I have no option and I am unable to think about it. (It was asked on MSE on 13 Feb, 2020) . 


Question is ->I am studying research paper: A note on odd zeta values and I am unable to think how to deduce a result which the authors don't prove. This result has to be proved assuming the prime number theorem and it's on Page 12 of the paper :

> Prove that $\lim_ {n\to\infty}  \frac{\log(\Phi_n) } {n} =\int_0^{1}
 \rho_0 (t) d(\psi(t) + 1/t) $, where $\psi(t) $ = $\frac {\Gamma'(t) }
{\Gamma(t) }  $.

where $\Phi(n)$ and $\rho(n)$ are described in this image:
[![definitions of Phi and rho][1]][1]

Can someone please tell how to prove this result ? 

I shall be really thankful. 

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/6q5Jd.jpg