Let $R=\mathbb{R}[X_1,\dots,X_n]$, and $$\mathfrak{I}_d=\{ \text{ideals for which there is minimal generating system with $d$ elements} \}$$ be partially ordered by inclusions. Is there an algorithm or criterion that can determine if a given ideal $I$ is maximal in $\mathfrak{I}_2$. If an ideal is not maximal, then the algorithm should provide a list of all ideals in $\mathfrak{I}_2$ that contain $I$. This question arose from my [previous question][1]. For which [Pace Nielsen][2] provided very nice examples: $$I_1:= \langle x_1 x_2, x_1(x_2^4+x_1^2)-x_2^3(x_1 x_2) \rangle = \langle x_1x_2,x_1^3 \rangle \subsetneq I_2:= \langle x_1x_2,x_2^4+x_1^2 \rangle . $$ In this case $I_1$ is not maximal but $I_2$ might be. For example, is $gcd(I)=1$ sufficient? [1]: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/198177/generators-vs-minimal-degree-polynomials-of-ideals [2]: http://mathoverflow.net/users/3199/pace-nielsen