The sum of two games means a turn consists of playing in either game. Then by the mirror strategy, for any impartial game $G$, $G+G=0$, a second player win. That means that under this sum, equivalence classes of impartial games form an abelian group of exponent $2$, or an $F_2$-vector space. XOR describes the additions with respect to any basis, not just the standard one. You can change the connection with XOR by changing the sum operation. If in a collection of games, you must play in at least one, but up to $k$ games, then the Grundy values of the components matter, but the second-player wins correspond to collections whose sums without carries have all digits divisible by $k+1$. This was [observed by Moore][1] where the games are Nim piles. Of course, this is related to [your other question][2]. There are other generalizations possible, where you are allowed to play in other collections of multiple games, and you don't simply XOR the Grundy-values of the components. [1]: [2]: