Assume that $\det\Sigma\ne0$. Then the random matrix $X$ is of rank $m$ almost surely (a.s.). So, a.s. the [Moore--Penrose inverse][1] of $X$ is $X^+=X^\top(XX^\top)^{-1}$ and hence 
Letting $Z$ be the matrix with rows $z_i:=\Sigma^{-1/2}x_i$, 
we see that the $z_i$'s are iid $N(0,I_n)$, and 
So, the problem reduces to the case when $\Sigma=I_n$ -- which, as you noted, is easy. 

Thus, the answer is 
$$EX^+X=\frac mn\,I_n,$$
as long as $\det\Sigma\ne0$. 
