I asked [this question two months ago on MSE][1], where it earned the rare [*Tumbleweed*][2] badge for garnering zero votes, zero answers, and 25 views over 61 days. Perhaps justifiably so! Here I repeat it with slight improvements. <hr /> Let $P$ be a polyhedron, all of whose vertices are at points of $\mathbb{Z}^3$, all of whose edges are parallel to an axis, with every face simply connected, and the surface topologically a sphere. Let $A(P)$ be the *area sequence*, the sorted list of areas of $P$'s faces. For example: <br /> <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/jDTJZ.jpg" width="150" /> <br /> Using regular expression notation, this sequence can be written as $1^4 2^2 3^2$. In analogy with [golygons][3], I wondered if there is a $P$ with $A(P)= 1^1 2^1 3^1 4^1 5^1 \cdots$. I don't think so, i.e., I conjecture there are no *golyhedra*. **Q1**. Can anyone prove or disprove this? Easier is to achieve $A(P)= 1^+ 2^+ 3^+ \cdots$, where $a^+$ means one or more $a$'s. For example, this polyhedron achieves $1^+ 2^+ 3^+ 4^+ 5^+ 6^+$: <br /> ![OrthoPolyhedronTwisted6][4] <br /> **Q2**. But can $A(P)= 1^n 2^n 3^n \cdots$ be achieved, for some $n$? The above example is in some sense close, with $A(P) = \cdots 4^4 5^4 6^4 \cdots$, but end effects destroy the regularity. The broadest question is: **Q3**. Which sequences $A(P)$ are achievable? Can they be characterized? Or at least constrained? <hr /> ***Addendum***. **Q1** and **Q2** are answered by Adam Goucher's brilliant example that achieves $1^1 2^1 3^1 \cdots 32^1$. In light of this advance, a more specific version of **Q3** may be in order: **Q3a**: Identify some sequence that is *not* realized by any $A(P)$. [1]: http://math.stackexchange.com/q/687147/237 [2]: http://meta.mathoverflow.net/q/484/6094 [3]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golygon [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/Va8uN.jpg