Let $(q)_n=(1-q)(1-q^2)\cdots(1-q^n)$ with $(q)_0:=1$. Define a $q$-exponential by 
There is a notion of $q$-Eulerian polynomials of type $A$, see [the reference][1]. I like to introduce **$q$-Eulerian polynomial of type B** via the generating function
Now, expand $B_n(t,q)$ as a polynomial 
and call $B_{n,k}(q)$ **$q$-Eulerian numbers type B**. The first few terms are:
\begin{align} B_1(t,q)&=1+t, \\
B_2(t,q)&=1+(2q+4)t+t^2, \\
Here is an earlier [MO problem][2]. This time, I'm interested in a specialized aspect of it. For instance, $B_n(t,1)$ become the ordinary Eulerian polynomials of type $B$ whose coefficients are listed at [OEIS][3]. On the other hand, the polynomials $B_n(t,-1)$ do not appear anywhere. You may look at the first few of these: $B_1(t,-1)=1, B_2(t,-1)=1+t, B_3(t,-1)=1+2t+t^2$,
$$B_4(t,-1)=1+9t+9t^2+t^3 \qquad\text{and} \qquad

>**QUESTION 1.** Is there some interpretation of the coefficients in $B_n(t,-1)$?

>**QUESTION 2.** Can you provide a proof for the unimodality of $B_n(t,-1)$?

[1]: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1201.4941.pdf 
[2]: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/252156/q-eulerian-type-b-enjoy-symmetry
[3]: https://oeis.org/A060187