This is a very interesting question and would make an excellent topic for a doctoral thesis in the history of mathematics. I will interpret the question as *Which pre-Langlands results, problems, and theories* --- *apart from what is easily deducible from the theory of* $\;\mathrm{GL}_1$ (*from Gauß to Tate*) --- *can* now *be considered a part of the Langlands programme ?* There is nothing original in my answer : everything is gleaned from the writings of Langlands, Serre and Weil. I may have misrepresented some of their words, and in any case our future doctoral candidate will have to delve deeper into the original sources. **Fricke** & **Klein** (1912) observe that the modular curve $X_0(11)$ of level $\Gamma_0(11)$ is defined by the equation $\sigma^2=1-20\tau+56\tau^2-44\tau^3$. **Hasse** (193?) asks a doctoral student (Pierre Humbert) to prove that the $L$-function of an elliptic curve $E$ over $\mathbf{Q}$ (defined as the product over various primes $p$ of the $\zeta$-function of $E$ modulo $p$) is entire and satisfies a functional equation. Humbert sagely decides to work on quadratic forms with Siegel instead. **Weil** (1951) asks in his report *Sur la théorie du corps de classes* for a galoisian interpretation of the whole idèle class group of a number field (as opposed to the quotient of the said group by the connected component of the identity), analogous to the galoisian interpretation in the function field case. See in this regard. **Weil** (1952) shows that certain elliptic curves with complex multiplications (such as $y^2=x^4+1$) are modular. **Deuring** (1953--1957) proves (following a suggestion by Weil) that all elliptic curves with complex multiplications are modular. **Eichler** (1954) proves that the $L$-function of $X_0(N)$ is essentially the product of Hecke $L$-functions attached to cuspidal eigenforms of weight $2$ and level $N$. This was generalised by **Shimura** (1958) and completed by **Igusa** (1959). **Taniyama** (1955) asks at the Tokyo-Nikko conference a somewhat imprecise question which some interpret as implying that one can prove Hasse's conjecture for $E$ by showing that $E$ is modular. **Shimura** (1966) explicitly determines the reciprocity law for the splitting of rational primes in the number field obtained by adjoining the $l$-torsion ($l$ prime) of the Fricke curve $X_0(11)$ in terms of the coefficient $c_l$ of $q^l$ in the modular form $$ q\prod_{n>0}(1-q^n)^2(1-q^{11n})^2 $$ (but only for $l<100$ for which he could check that the mod-$l$ representation is surjective). **Weil** (1967) proves that if an elliptic curve over $\mathbf{Q}$ is modular, then it has to be modular of level equal to its conductor, and assigns the *Übungsaufgabe* to the interested reader to show that every elliptic curve over $\mathbf{Q}$ is indeed modular. Around this time Langlands wrote a letter to Weil and changed the world.