An extension of the finitely generated case for Q1: let $K_0$ be finitely generated over the prime field, and let $K=K_0((x_i)_{i\in I})$ be a *purely transcendental* extension of $K_0$. Then $K$ "satisfies Q1". Indeed, any abelian variety $A/K$ is defined over some intermediate $K_1:=K_0((x_i)_{i\in J})$, $J\subset I$ finite. Then $A(K_1)$ is finitely generated, but $A(K)=A(K_1)$ since $K/K_1$ is purely transcendental.  

Another "easy" case for Q2: if $K/\mathbb{F}_p$ is infinite algebraic, then for any $A$ the group $A(K)$ is torsion, but must be infinite by Weil's estimates, hence is not finitely generated.