This is a repost of [this question][1]. Can you provide proof or counterexample for the claim given below? Inspired by [Lucas-Lehmer primality test][2] I have formulated the following claim: >Let $P_m(x)=2^{-m}\cdot((x-\sqrt{x^2-4})^m+(x+\sqrt{x^2-4})^m)$ . Let $N= 4 \cdot 3^{n}-1 $ where $n\ge3$ . Let $S_i=S_{i-1}^3-3 S_{i-1}$ with $S_0=P_9(6)$ . Then $N$ is prime if and only if $S_{n-2} \equiv 0 \pmod{N}$ . You can run this test [here][3] . Numbers $n$ such that $4 \cdot 3^n-1$ is prime can be found [here][4] . I was searching for counterexample using the following PARI/GP code: CE431(n1,n2)= { for(n=n1,n2, N=4*3^n-1; S=2*polchebyshev(9,1,3); ctr=1; while(ctr<=n-2, S=Mod(2*polchebyshev(3,1,S/2),N); ctr+=1); if(S==0 && !ispseudoprime(N),print("n="n))) } P.S. Partial answer can be found [here][5]. **EDIT** After few years I finally found correct formulation of criterion. I have a proof but it is too long. Here is criterion: >Let $N= 4 \cdot 3^{n}-1 $ where $n\ge 0$ . Let $S_i=S_{i-1}^3-3 S_{i-1}$ with $S_0=6$ . Then $N$ is prime if and only if $S_{n} \equiv 0 \pmod{N}$ . [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: