Let $Y_n=(X_n,X_{n+1},X_{n+2},X_{n+3},X_{n+4})$. The sequence $\{Y_n\}$ is an aperiodic irreducible Markov chain on 30 states (vectors of $\pm 1$ that are not all $1$ or all $-1$). For the aperiodicity, it  is important that the constraint is on sums of five-tuples and not on pairs. One could easily reduce the number of states to 16, since looking at 4-tuples also yields a Markov chain, but that takes a moments' thought and is not important, so let's stay with 30 states.

The invariance of the constraint to flipping the sign of all the variables implies that the unique stationary distribution $\pi$ is even:
This is not really necessary, but we note that  the Markov chain $\{Y_n\}$ is reversible, since the constraint is stable to flipping the direction of time.

The partial sums  $$S_t= \sum_{n<t} X_n$$ (note the change of notation)
form a mean zero additive functional in this Markov chain, so one fancy way to conclude and obtain a central limit theorem is to use the Kipnis-Varadhan Theorem [1], see [2] for a friendly exposition.

A more elementary approach is to observe that any finite irreducible aperiodic Markov chain exhibits
exponential decay of correlations  (see e.g. [3]) so $E(X_m X_{m+k}) \le C\alpha^k$
for some $\alpha<1$ and $C<\infty$.
$$ES_t^2\le 2\sum_{m<t} \sum_{k\ge 0} E(X_m X_{m+k}) \le 2Ct/(1-\alpha)=C't.$$
$$E|S_t| \le \sqrt{C't} \,.$$

[1] Kipnis, C., Varadhan, S. R. S. (1986) Central limit theorem for additive functionals of reversible markov processes. Commun. Math. Phys. 104 1-19.

[2]  https://www.math.arizona.edu/~sethuram/588/lecture8.pdf Theorem 3.1 

[3] https://www.yuval-peres-books.com/markov-chains-and-mixing-times/  https://pages.uoregon.edu/dlevin/MARKOV/mcmt2e.pdf Theorem 4.9