There are a number of papers that I have affection for. Those which I don't see listed: "**On the group completion of a simplicial monoid.**" Before I read this paper I never really understood the appearance of the plus-construction. This essentially proves the +=Q theorem. (A little harder to find: Appendix Q in Friedlander-Mazur's "Filtrations on the homology of algebraic varieties.") "**On the formal group laws of unoriented and complex cobordism theory.**" A very influential paper, along the likes that Mark Grant mentioned, and one which we've been trying to unravel the consequences of ever since. (Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 1969, 1293–1298.) "**The Adams conjecture.**" Quillen's proof of the Adams conjecture by making use of a Brauer lift is short but wonderful. (Topology 10 1971 67–80.)