Take any $t\in(0,2\pi)$. Then 
F_r(t)&=\sum_{k=1}^\infty\cos kt\; \frac1{\Gamma(r)}\int_0^\infty dx\,x^{r-1}e^{-k x} \\ 
&=\frac1{\Gamma(r)}\int_0^\infty dx\,x^{r-1}\sum_{k=1}^\infty\cos kt\, e^{-k x} \\ 
&=\frac1{\Gamma(r)}\int_0^\infty dx\,x^{r-1}f(t,x),
$$f(t,x):=\sum_{k=1}^\infty\cos kt\, e^{-k x}=\frac{\cos t-e^{-x}}{2 (\cosh x-\cos t)}.$$
(The convergence of the series defining $F_r(t)$, as well as
interchange of the summation and the integration, are justified at the end of this answer.) 

The partial derivative of $f(t,x)$ in $t$ is 
$$-\frac{\sin t \sinh x}{2 (\cos t-\cosh x)^2},$$
whose sign for $x>0$ is opposite to the sign of $\sin t$. So, the desired monotonicity follows. 


$$f(t,x)=\frac{\sinh x}{2 (\cosh x-\cos t)}-\frac12.$$
So, by monotone convergence, for $r\in(0,1)$ we have
$$\int_0^1 dx\,x^{r-1}f(t,x)\to\int_0^1 dx\,x^{r-1}\Big(\frac{\sinh x}{2 (\cosh x-1)}-\frac12\Big)=\infty$$
as $t\to2n\pi$, for any integer $n$,
since $\sinh x\sim x$ and $\cosh x-1\sim x^2/2$ as $x\to0$. 
On the other hand, for real $x>1$,
$$|f(t,x)|\le\sum_{k=1}^\infty e^{-k x}\le 2e^{-x}$$
and hence for $r\in(0,1)$ we have
$$\int_1^\infty dx\,x^{r-1}|f(t,x)|\le2\int_1^\infty dx\,e^{-x}<1.$$ 
$$\Gamma(r)F_r(t)\ge\int_0^1 dx\,x^{r-1}f(t,x)-\int_1^\infty dx\,x^{r-1}|f(t,x)|\to\infty$$
as $t\to2n\pi$, for any integer $n$. So, the claims about the limits follow as well. 


**(Justification of the convergence of the series defining $F_r(t)$, as well as of the interchange of the summation and the integration in (1).)**
Take any real $r\in(0,2)$. Take any $t\in(0,2\pi)$. 
Let us show that the limit 
exists, where 
	F_{r,n}(t):=\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{\cos kt}{k^r}. 

Indeed, for all natural $m$ and $n>m$,
F_{r,n}(t)-F_{r,m}(t)&=\sum_{k=m+1}^n\cos kt\; \frac1{\Gamma(r)}\int_0^\infty dx\,x^{r-1}e^{-k x} \\ 
&=\frac1{\Gamma(r)}\int_0^\infty dx\,x^{r-1}\sum_{k=m+1}^n\cos kt\, e^{-k x}. 
Next, for $x>0$,
	\Big|\sum_{k=m+1}^n\cos kt\, e^{-k x}\Big|
&	=\Big|\Re\sum_{k=m+1}^n e^{-k(it+x)}\Big| \\ 
&	\le\Big|\sum_{k=m+1}^n e^{-k(it+x)}\Big| \\ 
&=e^{-(m+1)x}\,\frac{|1-e^{-(n-m)(it+x)}|}{|1-e^{-it-x}|} \\ 
&\le e^{-(m+1)x}\,\frac2{2\sin(t/2)\,e^{-x/2}} \\ 
&\le \,\frac{e^{-mx}}{\sin(t/2)}. 
So, $F_{r,n}(t)$ is Cauchy-convergent in $n$ and hence convergent in $n$. Also, by dominated convergence, we can interchange the summation and the integration in (1).