These two observations came while researching the empty set of odd perfect numbers and unitary perfect numbers: Context: Let $n$ be a natural number and $D_n$ be the set of divisors. We can make this set to a ring by observing that each divisor $d$ has $$0 \le v_p(d) \le v_p(n)$$ Hence we can add two divisors $d,e$ by setting: $$d \oplus e := \prod_{p | n} p^{v_p(d)+v_p(e) \mod (v_p(n)+1)}$$ and similarily we can multiply them by setting: $$d \otimes e := \prod_{p | n} p^{v_p(d) \cdot v_p(e) \mod (v_p(n)+1)}$$ Then, if $n = p_1^{a_1} \cdots p_r^{a_r}$, this ring will be isomorphic to the ring $$\mathbb{Z}/(a_1+1) \times \cdots \times \mathbb{Z}/(a_r+1)$$ If $n$ is squarefree, than this reduces to : $$d\oplus e = \frac{de}{\gcd(d,e)^2}$$ $$d\otimes e = \gcd(d,e)$$ Both methods rely on the character tables of abelian groups of order $2^r$ and on Dedekind group matrices defined over the set of divisors or unitary divisors of $n$: Method one: Let $U(n):=$ set of unitary ($\gcd(d,n/d)=1$) divisors of $n$ ordered by their absolute value: Then $H_n$ is a Hadamard matrix: $$H_n := ((-1)^{\omega(\gcd(d,e))})_{d,e \in U(n)}$$ Method two: Let $X(n):= \{ \sqrt{\operatorname{rad}(d)d} : d|n, \gcd(d,n/d)=1, \forall p|d: v_p(d)\equiv 1 \mod(2) \}$. and let $\chi_n(d,e) := \prod_{p|n} \exp(\frac{2 \pi \sqrt{-1}}{v_p(n)+1})^{v_p(d)v_p(e)}$ Then this matrix is a Hadamard matrix as the character table of some abelian group $\mathbb{Z}/(2)^r$: $$H^{(2)}_n := (\chi_n(d,e))_{d,e \in X(n)}$$ Example computations, show, that these two construction are in general not the same and they are not the same as the induction construction given at Wikipedia: [SageMath-Computations][1] Are these constructions known or are they maybe equivalent in some sense to the inductive Sylvester construction given at Wikipedia? Thanks for your help! [1]: