Use [Radon's theorem]('s_theorem)
to show that homogeneous hyperplanes $w$ can shatter (i.e., assign all possible sign sequences via $x\mapsto\text{sign}(<w,x>)$ at most $d$ points.
This is an upper bound on the [VC-dimension on hyperplanes]( (which turns out to be tight).
Then use the [Sauer-Shelah lemma]( to bound the number of *behaviors* that the hyperplanes can attain on $n$ points

That accounts for the formula $\sum_{i=1}^d {n\choose i}$.

As for pairs of hyperplanes, I'll use a very crude bound for VC-dimension of intersections of pairs of sets from a VC-class of dimension $d$, see Theorem 3.6 in [Kearns-Vazirani](
or [this paper]( by Baum and Haussler, to get that the VC-dimension of the collection of pairs of hyperplanes in $d$ dimensions is at most $20d$. You can then apply Sauer-Shelah to this new value of  VC-dimension.