**Lemma** Let $\phi:Y\to X$ be a proper birational morphism of complex manifolds of dimension at least $2$. Let $E\subset Y$ be the exceptional locus of $\phi$. Note that $E$ is a Cartier divisor. Then for any $a>0$,
$$\phi_*\mathscr O_E(aE)=0.$$

*Remark* Actually the statement is true for more general $\phi$, but this will do for now.

**Proof** *(Sketch)* We prove this by induction. If $\dim X=2$, then $E^2<0$, so $\mathscr O_E(aE)$ has no global sections and the statement follows. If $\dim X>2$, then we first take  hyperplane sections on $X$ until $\phi(E)$ is zero-dimensional and then take hyperplane sections on $Y$. In both cases it is relatively easy to prove that the induction hypothesis implies the desired statement (I will try to add this later when I will have more time). **Q.E.D.**

**Corollary** Under the same assumptions as above,
$$\mathscr O_X\simeq \phi_*\mathscr O_Y(aE).$$

**Proof** Apply $\phi_*$ to the short exact sequence $$0\to \mathscr O_Y((a-1)E) \to \mathscr O_Y(aE) \to \mathscr O_E(aE) \to 0.$$

Now as $X$ is smooth, we have $$K_Y\sim \phi^*K_X + aE$$ for some $a> 0$. Then by the projection formula
$$\phi_*\mathscr O_Y(K_Y)\simeq \mathscr O_K(K_X)\otimes \phi_*\mathscr O_Y(aE)\simeq \mathscr O_X(K_X).$$
By the definition of $\phi_*$ the statement follows.

*Remark* this is actually true under more general circumstances.