Lets begin by observing that that to define a "non-associative action", we actually don't need a magma; a mere set will do. > **Definition 0.** Whenever $S$ is a set, an *$S$-unary algebra* consists of a set, call it $X$, together with a function $S \times X \rightarrow X,$ denoted $a,x \mapsto ax$. > > A convention: the notation $abx$ means $a(bx)$, the notation $abcx$ means $a(b(cx))$, etc. For example: - a $0$-unary algebra is basically just a set. - a $1$-unary algebra is basically a set $X$ equipped with a function $f:X \rightarrow X$. In the literature, these are called *monounary algebras*. - a $2$-unary algebra is basically a set $X$ equipped with a pair of functions $f,g:X \rightarrow X$. In the literature, these are called *biunary algebras.* - etc. It should be clear that $S$-unary algebras are ubiquitous; for example, any time we have a set $X$ together with a self-map $f:X \rightarrow X$, the pair $(X,f)$ is a $1$-unary algebra. A famous example: the Collatz Conjecture is a statement about the $1$-unary algebra $(\mathbb{N},\xi)$, where $\xi$ is the Collatz function. > **Definition 1.** Whenever $S$ is a set, write $S_*$ for the $S$-unary algebra freely generated by $\{1\}$. The elements of $S_*$ are called *words in $S$.* We're all familiar with the "symmetrical" viewpoint on $S_*$ in which we view it as a monoid denoted $S^*$. In particular, its the free monoid on $S$. In fact, the "asymmetrical" viewpoint in which its viewed as an $S$-unary algebra is pretty important, too; this basically amount to taking a treelike viewpoint. [![A depiction of {f,g}_* as a tree.][1]][1] Here's a few facts about $S_*$. > **Theorem 0. Generalized Peano Postulates.** Let $S$ denote a set. Then: > > 1. For all $a \in S$ and all $x,y \in S_*$, we have $ax = ay \rightarrow x=y.$ > 2. For all $a \in S$ and all $x \in S_*$, we have $ax = 1 \rightarrow \bot$ > 3. For all $a,b \in S$ and all $x \in S_*$, we have $ax = by \rightarrow a=b.$ > 4. **(Axiom of Induction.)** The only $S$-unary subalgebra of $S_*$ that contains $1$ is $S_*$ itself. > > Furthermore, the above facts characterize $S_*$ among all $S$-unary algebras. Now define that $\mathbb{N}$ is the $\{s\}$-unary algebra freely generated by $\{0\}$. So basically, $\mathbb{N}$ is just $\{s\}_*$ with a slight change in notation. $$\mathbb{N} = \{0,s0,ss0,sss0,\ldots\}$$ By noting that Condition 3 trivializes when $S =\{s\}$ has only one element, we essentially rediscover Peano's original axioms for $\mathbb{N}$. > **Theorem 1. Peano Postulates for \mathbb{N}.** > > 1. For all $x,y \in \mathbb{N}$, we have $sx = sy \rightarrow x=y.$ > 2. For all $x \in \mathbb{N}$, we have $sx = 0 \rightarrow \bot$ > 3. **(Axiom of Induction.)** The only monounary subalgebra of $\mathbb{N}$ that contains $0$ is $\mathbb{N}$ itself. > > Furthermore, the above facts characterize $\mathbb{N}$ among all monounary algebras. So I'd say non-associative actions are pretty important! On the other hand, they're in some sense unnecessary. > **Theorem 2.** An $S$-unary algebra is the same thing as an $S^*$-set, i.e. a set $X$ equipped with an (associative) action of the monoid $S^*$. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/kdzgL.png