Let $\overline{C}$ be a complex projective curve of genus $g>0$.  Let $C\subset \overline{C}$ be the open affine complement of one (closed) point $p$.  The composition $\text{Pic}^0(\overline{C})\to \text{Pic}(\overline{C})\to \text{Pic}(C)$ is an isomorphism.  Let $L$ be any nontrivial (geometric) rank $1$ vector bundle over $C$.  This is affine, since $C$ is affine and the projection morphism from $L$ to $C$ is affine.  This projection morphism equals the image of the Albanese morphism of $L$ (this is a birational invariant for complex projective manifolds, thus extends unambiguously to complex quasi-projective manifolds).  The relative tangent bundle of this projection morphism is the pullback from $C$ of a unique invertible sheaf, namely the invertible sheaf associated to $L$.  Thus, the relative tangent bundle of the Albanese morphism is not trivial.  Hence $L$ is not isomorphic to $\mathbb{A}^1\times C$.  Yet the underlying complex manifolds are biholomorphic.