Given a geodesic metric space $X$ together with a choice of midpoints $m:X\times X\rightarrow X$ (i.e. $d(m(x,y),x)=d(m(x,y),y)=d(x,y)/2$). Assume furthermore, that the following nonpositive curvature condition is satisfied: $d(m(x,y),m(x,z))\le \frac{d(y,z)}{2}$ for all $x,y,z\in X$ . This is just a special case of the CAT(0) inequality for the "triangle" $x,y,z$. Lets call such a space a M-space. Such a space needn't be [CAT(0)][1], as the example $(\mathbb{R}^n,d^1)$ shows, where $d^1$ is the $l^1$ metric. The choice of midpoints is given by $m(x,y)=\frac{x+y}{2}$. It also needn't be unique geodesic. But this space can be equipped with another metric, that makes it a CAT(0) space. So my question is: Is every group, that acts properly, isometrically and cocompactly on a M-space already a CAT(0)-group? [1]: