On any compact complex manifold, the set of all global holomorphic vector fields is a finite dimensional Lie algebra. They span the tangent space at every point just when each component of the manifold is a homogeneous for the action of its biholomorphism group. 

Some points in the proof: By compactness, all holomorphic vector fields on any compact complex manifold are complete vector fields, so they generate 1-parameter complex subgroups of the biholomorphism group.
You can find a complete proof that the biholomorphism group of a compact complex manifold is a finite dimensional complex Lie group acting holomorphically, with Lie algebra the set of all holomorphic vector fields, in Theorem 1.1 (and its proof), p. 77, Kobayashi, **Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry**, Springer, 1995. Kobayashi also proves that this group is finite if the manifold is Kobayashi hyperbolic or of general type. It is pretty clear that the Lie algebra of global holomorphic vector fields is finite dimensional, as it is the set of holomorphic sections of a coherent sheaf on a compact manifold. But in case the global holomorphic vector fields span every tangent space, all orbits of the biholomorphism group are open sets, clearly disjoint, so if the manifold is connected there is only one open set, i.e. the biholomorphism group action is transitive.

You can get a lot of information about homogeneous complex manifolds in the book by Dmitri Akhiezer, **Lie  group  actions  in  complex  analysis**, Aspects of Mathematics, vol.  E27,  Friedr.  Vieweg,  Braunschweig and Wiesbaden,  1995,  vii +
201 pp., $49.00, ISBN 3-528-06420-X.

If $c_1 \le 0$ on a homogeneous compact complex manifold, then it is a complex torus, by Bochner, I believe. Check Wang's paper on homogeneous complex manifolds. Clearly $c_1$ is represented by the cycle which is the zero locus of the wedge product of $n$ vector fields, $n$ equalling the dimension of the manifold $M$. In particular, if the manifold $M$ is Kaehler, it is Calabi-Yau, and therefore a complex torus.

Complex homogeneous manifolds are strongly dominable, since the Lie group of biholomorphisms has an exponential map: pick a point $m_0 \in M$ and take each holomorphic vector field $v$ to the point $e^v m_0$. By completeness of the flow, this holomorphic map is defined on the Lie algebra of global vector fields. If we restrict to any subspace of those vector fields which spans $T_{m_0} M$, we get strong domination.

Kummer surfaces may well be strongly dominable without being homogeneous, because the relevant vector fields are not globally defined. I don't think that strong domination implies the existence of global nonzero vector fields.