$\DeclareMathOperator\Imm{Imm}$I am looking for a proof in English or French of Schur's theorem that, for every $H$ in the space $\mathbb H_n^+$ of positive semi-definite Hermitian matrices, and every irreducible character $\chi$ of $\mathfrak S_n$, $\chi(e)\det H\le\Imm_\chi(H)$, where the *immanant* $\Imm_\chi$ is defined by
Notice that the original paper [I. Schur, "Über endlicher Gruppen und Hermiteschen Formen" Math. Z., 1 (1918) pp. 184–207](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01203611), is in German.

By the way, it seems that many authors relate Schur's theorem to symmetric polynomials. Is there any purely representation-theoretic proof of the inequality above? Let $(\rho,V)$ be a unitary representation whose character is $\chi$. We may associate to $\Imm_\chi(H)$ a Hermitian matrix over $V$ by
It would be sufficient to prove that $K\ge(\det H)I_V$, where $I_V$ denotes the matrix of the scalar product. Because of Frobenius's theorem about the orthogonal decomposition of the regular representation, this amounts to proving that the analogous sum, where $\rho$ is replaced by the regular representation, satisfies the same estimate. In other words, Schur's theorem would be implied by the inequality
$$\forall \xi\in{\mathbb C}^{\frak S_n},\,\forall H\in{\mathbb H}_n^+,\qquad |\xi|^2\det H\le\sum_{\sigma,\theta}\bar\xi_\sigma\xi_\theta\prod_ih_{\sigma(i)\theta(i)}.$$
Is this inequality true?