**Definition**: In the gap between any two consecutive odd primes we have one or more composite numbers. One of these composite number will have a prime factor which is greater than that of any other number in the gap. E.g. $43$ is the largest prime in the gap between the consecutive primes $83$ and $89$. I am interested in the largest prime factor in the gap between two consecutive primes. > **Claim**: Every prime is the largest prime factor in some prime gap. I am looking for a proof or disproof. **Update, 7 Dec 2019**: Conjecture verified for $p \le 4.5 \times 10^9.$ **Note**: [This question was posted in MSE and got many upvotes but no answer hence posting in MO][1]. [1]: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3456944/largest-prime-factor-of-the-numbers-between-two-consecutive-primes